Carpet python Identification help

Feel in love with this little coil of attitude, Picked up as a New Guinea carpet python just wondered if there was an actual name for this type, this is my first carpet python.


Assuming it was a reputable breeder, then the actual name of that type would be New Guinea carpet python.

That said… If you picked it up from a jobber then there is no way to really know what kind of carpet it is.

Best info for you would be to check out this podcast:

I would suggest the Carpet Cliff Notes that have recently been released by them


Definitely picked up from a reputable breeder, I wasnt sure if they had a specific name or just New Guinea carpets. Think I’m just too used to ball pythons were you list off all the Gene’s, not youd to a simple name.

It’s a beauty. Make sure you post some pictures as it grows :blush:

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