I have a baby chahoua gecko that will not eat bugs. I’ve been trying to feed dubia roaches, but he won’t take them. I’ve tried releasing them near him in the tank, tong feeding, feeding in a separate container, and dipping them in his fruit diet. Should I swap to crickets? He
Awwwww, he is adorable! What brand of fruit mix do you feed him? I would say if he is still a baby and eating well I would not worry about the insects right now. Give him a little time.
He’s eating repashy watermelon diet. I couldn’t really tell if he was eating when I got him, so I spoon feed him and he eats readily. I keep a bowl of food in his enclosure, but if he eats out of it, the food resettles and I can’t tell. I feel safer just feeding him some so I know he’s eating.
They eat so very little it truly is hard to tell but trust he is more than likely getting enough. A good way to monitor his eating habits is just to eyeball him. If he is growing you will be able to tell. Just don’t check him every day. It’s like weighing yourself to see if you have lost weight. Once a week is better than every day, which can be discouraging!
As far as the hand feeding goes, I would not do that because he may depend upon eating that way and then you’re stuck . Ya gotta go on vacation some time!!!
Rest assured that his Repashy diet has everything he needs. My gargoyle won’t eat insects either and he is an adult. But his Repashy is enough!
Thanks for the spoon feeding advice! I hadn’t thought about that. I’ll hold off on it and weigh him to make sure he’s not losing weight. If worst comes to worst, I’ll at least know I can get him to eat that way.
Sounds like a plan. Remember they eat very very little at a time. I think your fears are unfounded. But I am glad you pay attention to your animals!