Change in Hognose poop

Hi everyone,
This is Dreki. He’s a western hognose I got in September. Not sure how old he is, i dont remember what breeder said but he is a juvenile. This is my first snake. Usually his exrements are black or white but today i found this lumpy brown pile so I am a little worried. I did just up his feeding from pinky to fuzzy. Daytime temperature is 80 on the warm side and 70 on the cool side, Humidity between 20% and 40%. Nighttime gets down to 68 but he has a under tank heating source. Humidity does get up to 60% at night. Is this something i should be concerned about? Included photos of my enclosure to help.


You are obviously a person who keeps a closer eye on your snake’s health. Good for you, and good for him, too!

Looks like colubrid poop which just didn’t digest quite as fully. Maybe the prey was a tad bit bigger than usual, or his enclosure temps were a tad bit lower, or both. Or it could be some random unknown factor which will never reappear. I would check his enclosure temps, and keep an eye peeled when he’s next due to poop, but I don’t see anything to be really concerned about.

Gonna call a few hognose folks for confirmation. Halloooo @noodlehaus , @caron , @solarserpents !

Btw, your snake is adorable!

Edit: I see that you’d just moved him up in prey size. That’s virtually certainly why he produced waste like this. No worries.


Thanks for the tag @caryl!

Hello @mz-squid Squid! You have nothing to worry about. I have seen this type of poop posted here before and there is nothing wrong with it or your hoggie. Good eye though!

Tbh I can’t remember why these little lumpy lumps are part of this poop but @noodlehaus or @solarserpents will fill in the reason. But again nothing to worry about. I am so sorry I can’t remember the reason but I am an old lady!:joy::weary:. @caryl gives me too much credit! :joy:

Btw your little guy is a cutie and it looks like you have him set up very nicely! Kudos to you for successful feeding! You must have one of those obliging little boys who like to eat! :clap::weary:

Looks like smooth sailing so far! :blush:


I agree with Caryl. I often notice lighter colored poops in winter when temps are a little cooler. To me this looks within the range of normal, nothing to be worried about.


Thank you so much!


Bit late to the party, but I agree, normal variant of poop!