Chimera Ball Python

Thank you for looking out for me bud :joy:

Marked safe*


That was an incredibly informative post I appreciate the time you took to write it out :slight_smile:

Chimera are really fascinating in the respect of genes it’s interesting how humans can be one and not realize it (reminds me of a soap opera). Ultimately it’s a bummer that it can’t be passed on but I suppose that’s the beauty of the anomaly.


No worries, glad it could help to illuminate things :+1:t4:


I’m not really adding to the discussion, I just came across this post on here and thought it would fit nicely…

Unusual Baby


From all that I have seen chimeras are sterile, but I am new to breeding and honestly I have done very little research on chimeras. So I could be wrong…

Wow! I love how informative this is! Thank you for explaining this in a very detailed but easy to understand way


So are all snakes with two different eyes chimeras like Chris mentioned in the video? Or is there also another reason that can cause mismatching eyes? And if it is a chimera, what effect will it have on future breeding?

I’m really curious because my champagne girl has two different eyes. One is really black the other greyish blue. But she doesn’t show any other signs of being a chimera.

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On some morphs there is a higher probability in getting a snake with heterochromia. I don’t know if it’s genetic just that you see it more in some morphs than others so it’s fairly uncommon.

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Normally if it was a true chimera you would have markings on the body to indicate it was. I say it is just a case of heterochromia. It happens in humans and other animals too. The only way to prove anything is a true chimera is through DNA testing though. My firefly BP has eyes that aren’t exactly like each other, with one being lighter than the other, but that doesn’t mean she is a chimera.


No. In nearly every case heterochromia is the result of stochastic gene expression or mosaicism. It will have no impact on how an animal breeds out. Your Champ is not a chimera :slight_smile: :+1:t4:


The real question I wanna know the answer to is; can humans be chimeras? Or any animal for that matter.

Humans can aswel, there are a few known cases.

I’ll try and dig up some links, but I know there is at least one case of a woman giving birth to her sisters babies as a result.

Edit: here we go

Yes, humans and other animals can absolutely be chimera. There are numerous documented cases all across the spectrum


Thank you all for the response. I already didn’t think she is a chimera because it is only her eyes, but the way Chris said it in the youtube video made me get confused.

@eaglereptiles I also saw a youtube video recently about a woman who gave birth to her child and later on because a medical reason she and her child got a bloodtest or something like that and discovered that she could not be the mother of her child. It even had terrible results because they even took the child from her and it all ended up in a huge legal battle to get her child back. After some time she discovered that she was a chimera and when they did a genetic test on other type of cells from the mothers body, that she was the mother of the child. I will try to find the video.

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Paradox or Chimera?


Yes, your animal is a “paradox”

Whether it is a Mosaic or a Chimera is not something that can be absolutely called based on the appearance, you would need a genetic-level interrogation. If I had to place odds I would say likely Chimera


This is one I hatched out. He is getting better with age and size.

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Here is the 50/50 that @mutation_creation has, split exactly down the centre…

You can see more from it at the 30 minute mark here…

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Do you have any recent pictures we can see?

Your chimera royal looks like my logo lol. Maybe just a coincidence

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