Chowder and the windows; a series

Anyone else’s ball python love the windows?
I’ve tried to offer him other areas but I can’t compete with his love for windows! I’ve even had to baby proof them, because he tries to get stuck in them :joy:

I know the windows look dirty, I promise they aren’t. They’re just very old and stained. I’ve tried quite a few times to get them looking nicer, to no avail.
That and, apologies for my camera quality. I’m not sure why my camera refuses to focus on him…

He doesn’t climb up as often as the pictures suggest, I just don’t take many pictures of him.

If this is actually a bad behavior, please let me know. I don’t think it is and can’t find anything on it, but then again, I am a new keeper.


Maybe you should give him more enrichment in his enclosure and he wouldn’t want to climb the windows? :thinking:

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I try to change it up, add things, give new things, etc and he still does this. I’m not too sure what he wants :sweat:


Chowder is super adorable. Like he’s a window lover. Is there such a thing as a window fetish? :rofl: sorry, I couldn’t resist :grin:
I would like to think it’s similar toa human expressing their personality but i imagine it’s not that deep. :grin:brain cells


When you have him out do you hold him or give him free access to the room? I guess I am not understanding how he gets to your windows to begin with? I can see if he was a cat and could jump up on the window sill so I a bit confused……

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I have a desk by the window, so he roams around near it. My flooring is being fixed up at the moment(splinters and all that) so he doesn’t have complete freedom around.
I forgot to mention in the post that he also does this to the living room one too. I don’t let him to that one though, because it’s behind the couch and he could easily be lost there.


I have 2 small dogs running around so I don’t let any of my guys roam free. Even if I didn’t have the dogs I still wouldn’t allow my guys out of my control. That’s just the way I am though.

So imho and since you asked I think Chowder sees your house as one big enclosure and the window represents a way out, just as he might slither up the corners of his enclosure looking for a way out.

Maybe he literally smells freedom on the other side of that window, which that’s what it would be if he figured out how to escape by the window….

Just sayin…… :thinking:


I never let him roam without someone watching him. But I can’t imagine not letting him roam around. He “loves” being able to get out, I often times just offer up my hand and he climbs himself out of the enclosure.

As for the escaping, I haven’t seen any other behavior that would indicate that. He doesn’t surf the walls or glass of his enclosure or even out of it. He just seems to like being near the windows and occasionally climbing up.
I might have to get the tent(fully enclosed with a zipper) I have and take him outside just to see how he’d behave.


I imagine he would like that. I have seen people post pictures of their snakes in the grass without a tent. But I am sure they were closely supervised by their humans……

The fresh air would probably be good for him provided it’s warm enough…. :sunglasses:


I’d have to wait a few weeks for it to warm up, we’re barely getting to the mid 50’s right now.
As for using the tent, that’s just because I have chickens. I don’t trust those birds with anything :joy:


Awwwww! I totally agree! :+1:


In the summer when it gets warm enough out, I take Beans on walks! Of course I keep him around my neck but he loves to periscope and look/sniff around when I take him.