Closest morph to Burmese?

Hi all! I’m in love with the gorgeous look to the albino Burmese python. The squared off patterns, bold outlines, it’s just a great pattern to me. Owning a Burmese, though, is above what I can comfortably care for and provide for. I’d like to see if there is a cool ball python morph that replicates this neat pattern (but in the smaller ball python package).

Any thoughts? Or alternative species you might recommend that meet what I’m going for?


Unfortunately not. :sob: :sob: :sob: I’ve yet to see any combinations create such a pattern. That is wicked :fire: :fire: :fire:

I did some digging because I was curious too! Here’s a few finds that might be close to what you’d like!

I found a bunch more, but albino paired with cinnamon or Enchi seem to get the closest result! There’s probably other combos that create a more squared look (like pinstripe or spider, but there’s not many i found with white in them)

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Thank you for the research!! Maybe a future project I’ll get into :smiley:

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No problem!! I didn’t find many with Mojave in it, but I believe if you added Mojave with the albino Enchi and cinnamon you’d get even closer!

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Not that into BP morphs, but the photo instantly made me think of lavender albino (one i personally really really want, they’re gorgeous)

Like this -
Spotnose Lavender Het Clown Ball Pythons by KINOVA - MorphMarket

There might be other combos that are more similar

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