Clutch ID Fun (help) - Banana x Cinnamon Calico Spider

Hi everyone! Hatched this clutch recently and am looking for some help in identifying a few of them. Pairing was my male Banana Het Pied to my female Cinnamon Calico Spider. Thanks!!

  1. This one is my fav. Thinking banana cinnamon calico.
  2. Cinnamon only?
  3. Cinnamon only?
  4. Banana cinnamon?
  5. Banana cinnamon?
  6. Pretty sure this is banana spider only.
  7. Normal.
  8. Spider with possible calico?


For #1, I’m intrigued by the fact it has such a solid stripe on its back. I hatched a cinnamon banana hypo a few years back, here he is. I’d be inclined to say that calico might not be present in yours though, because the pattern doesn’t really have a lot of the normal messy look calico has. I could be wrong and it’ll be more apparent with age.

For 2 & 3, i think you have a cinnamon calicos. Cinnamon alone wouldn’t have all the messiness on the bottom side if the keyholes. See below image for a single gene cinnamon from the same clutch as the banana cinny hypo

4 and 5 definitely don’t appear to have cinnamon. Could be calico, very low expression but it’s hard to tell with bananas. If I had to guess I’d say 4 is single gene banana with 5 being banana calico, due to some of the extra fading on the side pattern that looks present.

6 is hard to tell with lighting. But could be banana spider or banana spider calico.

7 normal

8 I think is spider calico. Keep an eye as it ages and the calico will continue to become more apparent.

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Thank you for the detailed reply and photos. This has been VERY helpful to me!

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Definitely big agree with Nathan’s IDs.

Here’s the banana cinny (pretty sure het pied with the ringer they have) and cinny (no het pied in this one’s clutch) I hatched this last month for examples as well.

I would consider having #1 tested for het pied if you’re holding them back.
Otherwise, some of the discrepancy between patterns can also be het pied interacting on the cinnys you hatched as well.