CO2 source/equipment for feeder colony management

I am researching setting up a small feeder colony for my collection, I found lots of good info but the one piece I’m missing is the spec/sourcing for CO2 and a regulator. I’m seeing tanks for aquariums and for kegs, is this the correct source? How many, er, sessions, would a 5lb tank get you if applied to a small mouse colony? (not sure if that’s answerable without the comparable size of the chamber, but…a general idea is helpful). I’m looking at these links for reference:

If you want to ensure that you’re not causing any pain of suffocation you need to get a regulator with a flow meter. You’ll want something like this.

You’ll need to work out the math on container size in relation to flow rate as well. That information can be found here.

This will help you convert SCFH to LPM so you can calculate flow rate.

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perfect, thank you!

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