Hi I have a question. I have a mulberry tree in the yard that we cut back last week. Can I use some of the branches in my viv? How do I clean them. Tree is healthy and chemical free. I have left the branches I want outside on the porch so far. They will not fit in my oven or freezer. We havent been super cold here either. Right around 35-40F at night. I’m worried about bleach due to fumes in the house. I do have F10 coming soom (a week or two). Any advice?
Yep, it should be fine. I am going to be honest, don’t worry too much about disinfecting. Just place it in a dry area in your house for a couple weeks until they are thoroughly dry and rinse them off. Shouldn’t be any issues.
Thank you so much
I’ve been collecting driftwood for a while now, and what I’ve always done is to scrub off any loose bark (Bark that’s sticking really well I usually leave on) And then I bake it at 200 degrees for half an hour. Been working really well for me though.
I have done this with smaller stuff but the pieces i want wont fit in the oven or freezer.
I generally bake smaller pieces but I’ve used a few pieces which are too large to fit into either oven or freezer. If the piece was off the ground and healthy, size alone isn’t a reason not to use it.
Here’s what I’ve done with big pieces. Remove any loose bits. Sand any sharp areas. Inspect to make sure there are no splits s or other places where an animal could get caught or pinched. Use only solid healthy wood. Scrub it down thoroughly in the bathtub using dishwashing liquid. Leave it soaped for about half an hour (not in water). Rinse thoroughly. Thoroughly. Let it dry, thoroughly which may take a day or two. Use and enjoy.
Yeah… That’s a problem I’ve been dealing with too. I’ve cut some down so they just barely fit, but I also heard you could use a bleach solution, but I haven’t tried that yet.
Wood is so porous that I would be worried about it not getting completely cleaned out. I personally wouldn’t risk it
Thank you I will do this. We cut them off the tree and it is nice and healthy so Im not too worried but still want to be safe
I would avoid bleach solution just on the tiny chance that the wood might retain some. Seems a very minute risk, but soap and water will kill moist common pathogens without that risk.
Sounds like a good plan. please post pics when you’re finished!
I’ve heard pouring boiling water over big pieces you can’t put into an oven is also helpful to try and eliminate any bugs. I’d put it in the bath tub, then carefully wash it with the hottest water your system can produce, and a few kettlefuls of boiling water poured over it.
Sounds ilke a good idea