Took advantage of the overcast weather today and got a few updated photos of these nice lavs:
YB Confusion Lav Het Pied
BlackHead YB Lav Het Pied
BH Lav Het Pied
YB BH Confusion Lav Het Pied
Which one is your favorite?
Took advantage of the overcast weather today and got a few updated photos of these nice lavs:
YB Confusion Lav Het Pied
BlackHead YB Lav Het Pied
BH Lav Het Pied
YB BH Confusion Lav Het Pied
Which one is your favorite?
Sending you my address…
But also, the
With its deep oranges is also awesome.
Seriously! A favorite? I don’t have that much time!!!..…
And I am also sending my address…… you pick!!!
Here’s another cool look in the Confusion Lav combos.
This boy is my holdback and just hit 300g. Mean ol’ rat got him pretty good on the head on the last feeding but he’s a tough guy.
This season was my first time producing Pastel with Confusion Lavs and I was pretty surprised by the interaction. I expected all the extra white space from BH/Confusion but not the degree of pattern aberrancy and side coloration from Pastel. Given that pastel makes for some of the best developing lav combinations it’s a much better combo than I expected, he will be incredible as an adult.
Pastel BlackHead Confusion Lav Het Pied
The contrast here is INSANE!!
It is pretty crazy!
Check out how much he has developed since he was first hatched (1 month ago)
Absolutely stunning!
Hopefully he holds that color for a long long while! What a stunning fellow!
I actually just switched that guy to the holdback rack. I had previously chosen a different male with the same genes but after a month of development I like this one better now. Definitely a good idea to observe development for a little while if you’re on the fence about which animals to hold back. I’m glad this guy didn’t sell when he was on the market!
Ok I have decided! This one’s my fave……
My address to follow……….