Conjoined twins (Cresties) blurred

So a couple clutches hatched today. The other from this clutch came out perfect (on another thread). This one was moving in the egg as I had a look after other hatched. But nothing happened after 15 mins so I cut it open as couldn’t see anymore movement, and unfortunately it had died. Probably for the best bless it, but amazing all the same as not seen one in person before!
Blurred so up to you if you want to check him/her or both… out. Both had 4 limbs, 2 tails, 2 bodies, but joined at the head with 3 eyes, little brain out and underbite. Weirdly enough this little Crestie monster came from Zombie and Corpse. They are clearly owning their names and making little monsters now!..


How strange!
I have been a lurker on this forum, but I gotta ask: any plans to preserve it? It seems like it would make an awesome wet specimen!


Someone else said this to me earlier actually!
I may look into it, it’s in a tub atm.
We have another this year with its brain out bless it. Lasted a day and a half before it passed though…

And welcome! It’s a great forum to be on! :grin:

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Thank you for sharing despite the sadness- it’s very interesting to see! Rest in peace little one(s).

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It’s in a tub and I think the other half is bringing back formaline tomorrow to preserve it.
I feel like if I got it out quicker it would’ve lived as was moving about, but what life would it of had really like that? Most likely wouldn’t of lived long either.
Amazing though, and the fact that happened with that pairing I’m wondering if twins is a possibility now?.. :thinking:


This is interesting, thanks for sharing! Do you think there could have been a problem with incubation, pairing, or laying since both eggs in the clutch were different?


I don’t think so, just a random occurrence, it can happen but rarely hear of it. Well I never have with cresties myself…
Incubation is the same, been doing it the same way for years, other than the new boxes now so can’t be that as all other babies are healthy.
And pairing wise, both parents proven, never any problems so don’t think them either.
Both eggs were quite big too, and the Other baby (sibling) from clutch is big! We think it’s the biggest hatchling we’ve ever had… It’s a little beast! This is it below…


So it likely had to do with egg size. One large baby and 2 smaller ones in the same egg.

It’s hard to know, I’ve actually been searching up twin Cresties, someone on YouTube had it happen but they think problems as egg sunk etc.
Another had 2 heads.
Other hatched literal twins, perfectly healthy.

Thing is like humans the embryo splits. So I’m assuming that’s what happened here. It split, formed twins, but still stayed together…