Considering selling for the first time but confused about taxes

Hi there, Im relatively new to morphmarket in the last few months, and am now considering selling some geckos with the platform.

However, Im very confused about sales tax. As far as I can tell, the morphmarket platform does not provide any tax calculation, is this correct? I’ve only sold stuff (not animals) on ebay and they calculate all that for you and collect and remit it for you as well.

I’m in Florida, and I know I need a class 3 wildlife licence with FWC, but do not need to be a registered business to sell, and I do not intend to have a “business” as this is just a side thing with my gecko hobby. But I can’t figure out how that works with sales tax as a hobby breeder - when to collect, how to remit, etc.

I also can’t figure out if I would owe taxes in any other state that I would sell to a buyer in.

I have asked my CPA for any insight they would have, but I thought I’d ask anyone on here too if they knew anything. Thanks so much.

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