my cornsnake viva has had some trouble shedding, this was her most successful one yet, though i had to help her with her tail. I noticed a spot where the shed hadnt come off and gently wiped at it, and this came out
does anybody know what this is? it left a hole behind in her tail
im gonna keep an eye on it to make sure nothing gets infected, but im really confused as to what this is
Did that thing come out of the cloaca? Is there a scale missing where the hole is?
A clearer pic of the vent would help. I can see what looks like a small wound on one side of it, but I have no idea what the thing you pulled off her is.
Welcome, we’ll do our best to help you out! As Dean said, clearer photos will help. Going on what you have posted, to me this looks to be an issue with a scent gland. It looks to have damaged/destroyed the two scales in the area. Honestly with as close to the cloaca and open as that is, I’d highly recommend a vet visit if you can manage. With those scales gone there’s nothing keeping that area protected. I’d also suggest you move her onto paper towel while it heals so no substrate gets stuck in the wound.
Have the shedding issues always been at the tail section? If so, this likely isn’t a new issue. When a snake sheds, usually there are two casts of the scent gland area. If those aren’t coming out with each shed, they can build up. If she’s also regularly having issues shedding, you need to check on your husbandry, it’s likely there’s not enough humidity in the enclosure to ensure the shed comes off cleanly. Adding a humid hide with some damp (not wet) sphagnum moss during a shed cycle can also be beneficial.
Its not the cloaca, its lower down
I’m working her conditions, theyre improving which is why this shed was much better. This was just something i had never seen/heard of before
Ill definitely switch her to papertowels for now bc i dont want anything in there or infected, ill also probably look into some disinfectants safe for her
I’d be happy to suggest some safe disinfectants for her!
You can try some dilute betadine soaks if you’re comfortable with that. Get a bin she fits into (with lid) and fill with 1/2"-1" of 85ºF water (as checked by an infrared thermometer gun, preferably). Let her soak for a few minutes to allow her to drink some of the plain water if she’d like, then add betadine until it looks like tea. Soak anywhere from 5-15 minutes.
If you’re not comfortable with that, there are OTC products like Vetericyn that are quite handy to have for any first aid needs. You can also apply a triple antibiotic ointment (without pain relief, this part is very important) on the area.
thank you so much!
Happy to be of help, hopefully that open bit will shrink down and she’ll be good as new soon enough.
Yeah, but what IS that thing? Throw it in the incubator and see what hatches out. Maybe something from Alien: Romulus.
Looks like she’s already at work healing herself, that’s awesome. She shouldn’t have any issues, but obviously just keep an eye out for any redness, swelling, or changes in behavior/appetite as they could signal infection.
Wild… what was that thing, some kind of cyst that died and that she shed out? At least there’s nice pink looking healing happening and you’re keeping an eye on her.
Poor baby. I hope that all goes well and she heals without any complications. Or any repeats!
Shes now fully healed! her latest shed was all in one piece (aside from the very tip of her tail) and you can barely tell anything happened!
She’s just been moved to a more appropriately sized tank (40 gal) and shes been loving it too!
She looks good! I’m always amazed at how good they are at healing.
Glad to hear she’s all healed up and thriving!
Yay, how wonderful! She looks terrific. Check out that pose. It’s like she’s saying,“Check ME out, because I’m looking sooo fine!”"