Hey guys, so I just received a snake from a friend, and I didnt have any info about age or sex.
However I am very curious to see whats is her morph, it appears to me that she is an Amel with soft reverse okeetee? Or even candy cane?
Hey guys, so I just received a snake from a friend, and I didnt have any info about age or sex.
However I am very curious to see whats is her morph, it appears to me that she is an Amel with soft reverse okeetee? Or even candy cane?
Looks to me like just an Amel, definitely no reverse Okeetee or candy cane involved. Tagging @solarserpents & @caryl for their opinions.
Allright thank you, im so used to my Sunglow that an amel looking like this is funny to me haha
Yeah, that’d definitely make it a lot harder if you’re used to something much more saturated!
Looks like a standard amel to me. They can have quite a bit of natural variation. She does look fairly thin too. Have you weighed her?
Thank you! Actually I just did and she is wheighting 540 grams or 1.2 lbs
About that! How would the offspring look between a Sunglow and a standart Amel?
Anything from standard Amel to possibly Sunglow. Since it’s a line bred trait, there’s no way to know what variation you’ll get.
So its a lottery basicly, I imaged that half of them would be sunglow and half standart. Thanks for the attention
Oh if only genetics were that simple, alas, they are not. Part of what makes it both fun and frustrating!
Sounds exciting haha
It sounds exciting…Until you have a pairing that creates a clutch that you have no idea exactly what’s going on but something’s just not adding up…Summary of my season.
Hahaha would call that a jackpot for finding hidden mutations, well, not if you are strictly looking for one combination
Agreeing on all points. She is showing quite a bit of spine in those first pics. I see that you’ve just gotten her. I would consider taking a fecal sample in to check for parasites just in case, and I would try and put her on a weight-gaining feeding schedule. (Of course, all new animals should be quarantined away from any current collection.)
As Im not an english speaker I dont know hows it called but we say Dewormed to an animal that has had its parasites checked out! She was dewormed this june but still, im gonna have a close up look at how she is.
We do say dewormed for an animal which has been treated for parasites.
Best of luck to you and your snakes! We will hope to see updates. We love pictures.