Good morning! I bought the Biodude.coms bio active 20g kit. It came with 10 dairy cows. Do I need to worry about having them with a 6mon old corn snake?
Good morning! I bought the Biodude.coms bio active 20g kit. It came with 10 dairy cows. Do I need to worry about having them with a 6mon old corn snake?
I don’t like dairy cows being in with any live animals. They’re too protein hungry and if the animal is lethargic for any reason they may chew on it.
they will most likely die. I had some with my scaleless Texas rat snake and they really need higher humidity. it also wasn’t a good idea and i am lucky nothing came of it.
Something like a combo of arid springtails, powder blue/orange isopods, and mealworm beetles would work well
I have sowbugs in a colony rn, and I believe dairy cows are sow bugs rather than pill bugs right? These sows are WAY more aggressive with food than my 2 pillbug colonies, so not having dairy cows in with a reptile actually does make sense now that I think about it…
Sow bugs and pill bugs are just other names for isopods. There actually isn’t usually a difference between how they are shaped.
More food hungry isopods can actually be beneficial with how protein hungry they are actually being more important.
Powder blue isopods look pretty much like a smaller, different colored dairy cow. However, powders don’t go crazy for protein like a dairy cow would
Interesting because my sows are very flat and can hide better but can’t roll up, and my pills are fatter and can roll up - figured there was a difference in that but could just be species variation within a family I guess!
Would dwarf whites be a better option?
Yes, those would work. Just overflow your water bowl every few days to keep a high humidity pocket (this really applies for any more arid setups)
I wouldn’t say that’s entirely true, sowbugs (Porcellio laevis) tend to be flatter with more of an egg shape and spiky look, while pillbugs (Armadillidium vulgare) tend to have a more domed exoskeleton. As a matter of fact, there’s quite a bit of variance in the shape of different types of isopods. They’re similar, but can be differentiated. Also, Armadillidium can conglobate, Porcellio cannot.
Ah so I wasn’t fully insane, just the usual amount then!