Corona virus preparation for your herps

Better to be prepared than empty handed. I wouldn’t complain if I had a surplus of food for my animals lol. But yeah hopefully there are no shipping bans because than that would just suck for everyone, the buyer and the seller included. Especially for sellers that do this for a living


I’ve used rainbow mealworms a few times and am very happy. Reasonable prices, shipping is fair. Hope that helps.

I have 18 ball pythons. I breed my own rats and ASF for feeders. I have slight rat excess and have a great local group that will buy the surplus from me. I really think it’s the best way to go in general, because it is the most reliable sourcing you can get. I would say it wouldn’t hurt to keep some extra supplies. For example, I had been cleaning and drying my tubs with paper towels. I’ve switched to the re-usable Clorox handi wipes (1 per cage) that I can clean and reuse, and using wash cloths to dry… so there are ways to “reduce, reuse, recycle” haha. Rainbow mealworms is a great website for insect feeders for the lizard owners as well. Hope this helps someone :slight_smile:

Just a small correction here; The “snake paper” was complete garbage and has been very thoroughly refuted in the scientific literature.

They are fairly certain they have identified Patient Zero: A 55yo male from Nov 17th


The H1N1 affected and caused many more deaths and etc than this corona mess. And people freaked out about it a helluva lot less. It’s a lot like facebook, it depends how much you want to believe what you read. I haven’t done anything. Was already stocked on paper towels, hand sanitizer, and rubber gloves even before this crap. I have enough feeders to last till June anyway. I ain’t staying home all the time. I go out. If you dont want to be around me, then dont. I dont much care to be around people anyway.

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I think Amazon has suspended shipping

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H1N1 has already run its course, Covid-19 is just at the beginning. If everyone acts like you’re suggesting then we can expect 80% of the population to become infected very quickly and overload hospitals. Based on the death rates we’ve been seeing, that would mean deaths in the US alone over one million by the end of the year, mostly people 60 and older.

They’ve also done testing that shows 40-60% of people will show no symptoms but are contagious, so just “stay away if you’re sick” will not work without widespread testing.

It’s not just theory, Italy’s hospital system is failing because they underestimated and failed to act. Two days ago the number of dead in Italy was around 300, yesterday it was around 2500. And that’s the way these type of pandemics go: slowly first, then quickly. Even President Trump has seen the writing is on the wall and changed his tune that this is a serious threat and not some media hoax.


Amazon has not suspended shipping of any kind from what I have been told. They are actually trying to hire more people and are increasing hourly pay by $2 because people are ordering too much stuff due to panic.

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Guys once again you are getting off the topic at hand. Please remember this is about how to prepare for your herps not about the virus itself or how it spreads and so on.


Just like how @wreckroomsnakes and @stewart_reptiles have emphasized more than once let’s keep it on topic otherwise it may get locked. I did not intend for it to get off topic. This was purely meant to ask how we should prepare in the wake of this virus. I am in no way asking for your political views, just your advice to prepare. Thank you


Even though were are not officially on a lock down more and more shops are closing down because people are not in the mood/scared to go shopping and keeping shops open is more expensive then closing them.m but the online shops are booming. I made the stupid mistake to accidentally not put my mice back in the freezer, and I’m too scared to make my snakes sick so I had to throw them away. So I ordered two days ago for three months rodents online and it went great. The way it looks now even in the countries on lock down they still send their online shopping around. The only difference is that they don’t hand the goods to you personally anymore. They put it in front of your door. Ring the bell and step back to a safe distance. I have good hope that feeders and important animal things ect. Can still be ordered online even during a lock down. I assume it will not be that different in the US.

If you really worry about insects, indeed dubia roaches and worms of all type can survive long. I’m also a fan of repashy crub pie expecially for my bearded dragon. I always have to wiggle it in front of his nose but when he starts eating it he really loves it and according to most breeders it is really healthy and full of calcium and you can keep it for years. It also works well if your animal looks a little skinny or is recovering for something.


Can we use this thread to help each other out?

If you are local to one another and happen to have a “infinite” supply of prey items please reach out when times are getting tough for others (months down the line). With more and more stores closing and the situation getting increasingly confusing, you might be the life saver of someones pet or even whole collection.
A lot of people are going to be unable to leave their homes.

As long as it remains within TOS, tips and recommendations where to find supply etc are fine within this post, however sales/trade/wanted or even for free type posts need to be taken to PM as per TOS.


So glad I breed my own mice and rats, which my Mojave female loves!


I think now is a good time to join Facebook feeder breeder groups and start connecting with local feeder breeders for those that need live, and most feeder breeders can do frozen, too.
Shipping is only going to get worse, and also helps a local business with a little income, plus home grown rodents tend to be well cared for and healthy.


i bought my BP 15 frozen mice to just get by for a while. she’s young so she eats once a week. off topic but also on topic…i bought a bunch of ammunition. be safe out there.

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Yeah we all gotta watch out and stay safe. I hope all of you, your family, and pets are safe! This will all blow over but better be safe than sorry and stock up on the essentials like food and such.


Im glad I stocked up on mice when I did. Im good until mid august if needed. I do want this to pass quick as I really want to switch both my BPs to rats asap. I also snagged some headphones since Im home all the time. Not trying to spook em with music when Im going stir crazy. Im tellin you, they rule the whole house and all they do is hide 23 hours a day. Its like having emo teens. Lol


do you recommend any breeder group specifically out of experience?

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