Creating decorations for inverts

I really love to create custom hides and climbs for my animals.
I like to use pieces of slate, gravel, moss, driftwood and cork bark. Just as i plan my enclosures, I plan my decor. I buy my supplies in bulk so i have plenty of various pieces to work with with. I think of who the piece is for and how big i need it.

The first thing i do is manually put pieces together to see how they fit together. I keep in mind the size of my animal. How is the best way to orient it. I also look for possibilities to create natural crevices and caves.

After i like what i see, i will clean the pieces.

The next step is gluing the pieces together using my hot glue gun.

I may build composits with several pieces together that offer crevices, natural look and suit the needs of my animals.
This particular piece will be for a South American bark scorpion i want. I can also use for other tropical/forest scorpions.

Of course i also scour the internet for resin pieces that i thibk i could use to make something fun or enriching.