Crested Gecko Egg Inquiry

Hello! I have been incubating my crested gecko eggs at 71-72 and its been 90 days for one of my eggs. It looks enormous and was giving signs of hatching soon about a week or two ago, but I haven’t seen anything since. Should I leave it to continue incubating or should I tickle it since its would be clutchmate was an infertile egg. I’m more worried about the baby drowning since this one is coming from a pair I get wonderful results from.

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I think the best thing to do is just to wait, though I’m not entirely sure if/how tickling will help. It can take awhile, but I guess I’m no expert, but I’ve always heard to wait it out.

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You can try tickling, it only works if the hatchling is ready anyway, so there’s no harm in trying. If it doesn’t work just leave it be until it either hatches or goes bad

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Welcome. What humidity are you keeping the eggs at? Have you candled the egg?

To be honest I’m not ensure on the humidity, but I did candle it and the baby was huge! Also as an update the baby hatched after I got home from work (not sure when since I peek in ont he eggs often) and the baby was healthy and beautiful! Pictures to come soon!


Yay! love seeing new babies:)

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Congrats on your new baby gecko, can’t wait for pics. For future, humidity is very important with eggs

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