Hey yall! As you may know, I’ve been interested in getting a crested gecko! I’m asking (again) for some general care advice, and I have a specific question too:
I don’t really do bioactive enclosures, or really a loose substrate at all…is there anyway I can make a crested gecko setup without having to deal with that stuff?
Personally i would say no, but realistically some people do keep them on paper towels their whole life so i guess it’s up to individual opinion. Females need a laybox at the very least, males don’t strictly need it, but keeping them on loose substrate is such an easy way to help with humidity and add enrichment by giving them something to dig in, as well as add mental stimuli from the textures. I feel like that counts for all reptiles though
I understand about the humidity and enrichment. Each of my reptiles has a couple logs and a tub of moist spagnum moss in their tank that they dig in…If I need to put a loose substrate, what should I use?
Bioactive is the best for them. So I would say if you want Cresties then go bio.
I use coco fibre mixed with some spag moss, orchid bark etc. we mix it ourselves so it’s got lots in, even adding a little sand can hold humidity well
Females dig as said, and males I will say can also sleep in substrate, one of mine will only sleep at the bottom for some reason. I did also have a male who would dig and hide in it, now he sleeps on the glass but they all do use it x
There are different options, but most designed for humid tanks should work - i use peat soil personally, not a big fan of coco soil, but im sure there are other options as well
I been using zoomed reptisoil for my geckos. I personally prefer it over eco earth etc. it’s pretty much organic potting soil without the perlite which I tend to always find mixed in the organic stuff at the garden store.