Crested gecko morph ID please!

Yellow pinstripe harlequin. I love his dorsal :heart_eyes:

I totally agree, his dorsal is amazing !

Alright, one more then I’m done haha.

This is the first girl I got a while back. I didn’t have intentions to breed, but she is very beautiful. I do know that she’s a bit more basic, but what would you guys call her ? I think harlequin, Dalmatian and partial pin?

She has lots of Dalmatian spots, but they’re tough to see on camera. She even has a single red dot haha


Harlequin partial pin with Dal spots. (If more than 25/30 spots then Harlequin partia pin Dalmatian) :blush:


Thank you guys so much! You’re all awesome and I appreciate the help! Certainly learning a lot :blush:

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Look forward to seeing what you produce in the future :heart_eyes:

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I Mary not agree with creamsicles and blonde harlequins, but I agree, she is a harlequin, part pin, dalmation - if more than 25 ISH spots, if not then Dal spots.

Ask away, it’s fun looking at Cresties :grin:

Are you planning to breed next year?

Wonderful! I know I always have a fun time looking at everybody’s pets haha. I’m sure most people in the hobby do!

Yes, I’m planning on breeding next season :blush: just acquiring some new morphs and doing some learning first. Very excited to hatch my first egg!

It’s honestly just giving me an excuse to get new and super beautiful animals :joy:


I agree, next year will be my first season also… It’s very exciting. I was hoping for it to be this year but my female that I paired beginning of last month doesn’t appear to be making it easy! I’ve got a few Cresties lined up for next year though :crossed_fingers:

Gift luck and I can’t wait to see what you produce :relaxed:

Oh that’s so exciting ! Good luck to you as well! I’m excited to see what next year will bring :blush::blush:

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There they are!!! :see_no_evil:


Can’t hide them balls :rofl:


He looks so proud too! :see_no_evil: :rofl:


Ahahahah he does doesn’t he :joy::joy::joy:

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