Crested gecko situation

Hello everyone!
I have a bit of a situation. I’m going through a tough time mentally right now, I have a crested gecko that does not have the best feeding situation going on, But he’s eating. This is making me think that I’m letting him down, I’ve tried many different things on him and he just does not eat in front of me, and it’s making me frustrated, I know that he probably feels more comfortable, but its just making me feel weird about it.

Stinky, my cresty is perfectly healthy and has a nice setup, But it’s draining me to take care of him, I have my parents taking care of it when I cant. I don’t know what to do, It’s coming to the point where even looking at him is stressing me out.
It has come to me that rehoming Stinky would be the best option. If anyone has any advice it would be appreciated.

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so do you still really like him and want to keep him but the care is too hard right now? If that is the case, do you think any one you know could take him until you are in a better place and can take care of him without it stressing you out then give him back to you once you feel up to it again? If that isn’t the case, you could rehome him to someone through craigslist or what is probably better and what i would do list him on morphmaket. others probably have other suggestions but this is just what i would do

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Is this the only issue?
That he doesn’t eat in front of you?

Or is he not eating much at all or skinny?…


He’s not eating much, He’s not that skinny though. He looks healthy to me he’s just very small for his age.


Any pics and how old? :blush:

What are you feeding and how often?

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I am so sorry you are going through this stressful situation with your crestie! My little guy will only eat Repashy or anything comparable. I have a little ledge with suction cups to attach it to the side of his enclosure. The ledge has 2 slots for feeding cups that I put his food in. He never eats in front of me however. He will not eat insects of any kind either. I spritz him a few times a week. He is also in a bio active enclosure.

You need to provide the information that @ghoulishcresties has asked for if you want good advice to maybe make a few changes in your feeding/caring methods for Stinky so that you will think of him as a great easy to care for little pet instead of seeing him as a big ball of stress.

If you still want to rehome him you should seek a rescue group instead of putting him on Craigslist, imho. A lot of exotic animal vet clinics work with reptile rescue groups. And the Petsmart here where I live works with a reptile rescue group as well, so these are a couple of examples of how to go about finding one.

I have to say that my little Mimosa is one of the easiest reptiles I have to take care of and I am sure with a little guidance from experienced people your little Stinky would be too!

Best wishes to you whatever you decide! :lizard::pray::heart:

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So sorry your going through this. If you can answer the above questions, that would really help.

However if your set on rehoming, I’d recommend mm or rescue centre. Giving up a pet is never great, but if this is causing you stress, it may be the better option.

I just want to share that most of my cresties will not eat in front of me. I have a portable night camera that I use, should I be worried about a Gecko