Crestie identification

Hi all!

So a little while ago i bought my daughter a crested gecko (more into snakes myself).
Ofcourse read up on the care etc and what to look for health wise, but never really looked into the morphs. But i’ve seen some pictures coming by and i kind of doubt our little crestie is a normal. Could anyone with more knowledge than
me perhaps shed some light on whether he is a normal or if he is some morph and if so, what kind.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


No such thing as a normal crested gecko, they’re polygenic by nature, so they all have a morph. Most of the traits you find in the hobby today exist in the wild in some capacity, with a couple of exceptions

That being said, yours looks to be dark harlequin full pinstripe whiteout with dal spots :blush:


I’m aware of that, but some seem to not be classified under a specific morph and sold at a rather low price, to which i’d refer as a “normal” by lack of a better term :sweat_smile:

Those were my thoughts as well.

Thanks for the input, much appreciated!


Ah ok, in that sense I would probably consider this one fairly normal as well, or “pet quality” I guess - It’s a pretty gecko, but very common, and it doesn’t really have anything that makes it an oddball, or stand out :blush:


Can i perhaps bother you about these 2 other girls we have.

The dalmatian spots i caught at least ^^


Both are phantom dalmatians, top appears to be red-based, bottom is yellow-based :blush:


Thank you very much for your help, it is nice to know what label to put on them :smiley:


Harley pin with dal spots, anymore side pics? Could be tricolour.

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Any fired pics?

Tiger dals but fired will help with colour of them x

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