Has there been any consensus if the cryptic gene in BP’s is codom or recessive? see its still grey in the morphmarket listings. Not really planning on working with it just curious what the community is saying.
Cryptic gene peaked my interest Royal Constrictor Designs got amazing examples of this morph. He is selling some now, but then saw and went with a beautiful male bamboo leopard pinstripe pastel. Owner Garrick DeMeyer super professional friendly and knowledgeable.
@t_h_wyman @owalreptiles Any thoughts on this?
Jeremy Smith @ Fireball is requesting Cryptic be reclassified from “unknown” on MorphMarket to recessive. He said he and many others have proven this.
I need some confirmation here, thanks.
Yes, the evidence points to Cryptic being a simple recessive trait that is allelic with Clown similar to Toffee and Albino. A “Het Clown Het Cryptic” presents visually as a “Crypton”.
Based on the back work Billy at Mutation Creations did and then looking at the results from a few others I am in agreement that Cryptic looks to be allelic to Clown and is recessive
We will reclassify it during our gene update in October. Thanks!
Okay another question for confirmation:
I’m told:
- Cryptic is allelic with Clown
- Het Cryptic + Het Clown = Crypton
Yes that is correct. Crypton = Het Clown + Het Cryptic.
Basically, you are looking at a Albino/Candino/Candy scenario: Clown/Crypton/Cryptic
This is done. And I have reclassified all ~200 ads according to cryptic, het cryptic, 50%, 66%, crypton, etc.
But have you updated the calculator for Crypton so it does not bork up the same way Candino does??