Dalmatian Progressions/Grow-out time?

Oh! I remember that now! Yeah, just let me know. I’m always more concerned about my animals going to good homes than having them on the market for ages hoping to get top dollar. She’s a sweetie, easily my most handleable gecko.


I’ve also got that one. Definitely been an option on what I’m adding to my project, but I’ve been looking for tigers, so it’s been tough picking lol
Yeah, 2, 3, and 4 are all super pretty. I think you’ll have to let me know if any of those turn out to be female, might be something to grow out…


I love 3, 4, and 5! Sadly not getting any new geckos any time soon but those are so pretty!


Definitely understandable. I’ve slowly realized I think I like keeping geckos more than my BP’s lol. After getting my wife a gargoyle, I got a female for him and am growing her out. Now I find myself looking at other new Caledonian gecko species (I love leachies but she doesn’t lol). So naturally cresties are “next” on my list for something to get


Dalmatians get more spots as they grow.
I had on here somewhere progression pics of Perdita… I’ll have to dig about! But she had some nice spots when small but just got better and a lot more as grew! Red and all pop up too usually I’ve found!


This is perhaps a stupid question, but how exactly are we classifying super dalmatians now? Do they have to be produced from two supers? Is it a phenotype we just look at and judge? I’m a bit confused :sweat_smile:


It pretty much just means lots of spots. iirc they have to have a minimum of 100 spots


Yeah, it’s kinda weird. Like, my Lilly could technically be classified as a super dal, since he has over 100 spots, but they’re all tiny, so idk :woman_shrugging:


Depends on who you ask - I personally lean towards the “newer” idea of it being a mix between the look and genetics. So it has to be homozygous dalmatian (meaning that it has proven to only produce dalmatians, or it’s from two parents who have both been proven to only produce dalmatians, that way you know it for sure has two copies) and it has to have a lot of spots or many impressive spots. The 100 spots rule is kind of ridiculous when you think about it, because you could have really unimpressive animal that have 101 tiny spots technically be supers, and animals that are super impressive and generally “super” looking that only has maybe 85 so they’re technically not supers?


A lot of blooming spots!!! :rofl:


That’s a good point. I’m used to supers in ball pythons being a homozygous expression, but since cresties are so much more polygenic I never really thought about that. Probably won’t label any of mine supers then, even the ones with a lot of spots, since mom has produced spotted and non-spotted babies in other pairings.

Have I ever explained how much stress pricing cresties causes me? At least with ball pythons, all I have to look at is genes and gene expression. With cresties I feel like I’m looking up a recipe for an ancient potion and inevitably getting wildly different results every place I check :rofl:


I agree finding ball python pricing is so simple compared to Geckos.

I’m not a Dal kinda person so I’m not the best. But for me it would be either lots and lots of spots or proven to only produce spots. But I would specify as to why I’d class as super

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Honestly i don’t think anyone really knows what they’re doing when it comes to pricing, it is all over the place :sweat_smile: Some of the geckos here on MorphMarket are priced almost delusionally high, and then on the other hand you can also find super high quality animals for almost nothing… Probably has to do with the genetics stuff still being so new and still being mapped, so because half the people in the hobby still aren’t really in on it, there’s very little to go by until it starts being the norm, and on top of that there’s new genes being discovered every tuesday. Crestie people also care more about overall conformation of the animals than most other reptile breeders i think.


Finally got these first two listed!