Day 44 BP Incubation!

Aaaaa time snuck up on me fast! We’re already almost through incubation!

So I know all of these eggs on camera look like red veiny blobs but there are healthy active BP babies in those little shells :smiling_face_with_tear:
And egg #3 is proving to be very interesting. I can already see very bold clear alien heads outlined when I candlelight the egg and a very brief view of a chaotic dark headstamp which is unusual for the pairing… (Banana Mystic Pastel x Banana Cinnamon Lesser, no known hets from either parent). Might have to have some shed tests done when the babies are out. Time will tell though!

Anyway here are the babies! :blush:

-Egg 1

-Egg 2

-Mysterious Egg 3

-Egg 4

-Egg 5


I candle early and late as well, late is good to check for movement.
However, I have never seen markings. I will look next time, thanks

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