I enjoy high white pieds a lot and was wondering what increases the white and decreases pattern in pie balds, other than the spider gene?
I believe cinnamon, black pastel, champagne, and spider when combined with pied often result in high white. Conversely, I believe when pied is combined with enchi, lower white is often the result. I’m sure there are likely other genes that can throw higher or lower white animals in combination with pied too.
@scissortailscales is correct also any of that black pastel group, I just made a couple super nice high white pied using het red axanthic. Also a lot of the bel stuff reduces pattern too. Like Mojave, Russo, ect. you should check out one of my favorites the pinto pied morph. Here’s a pic of my het red axanthic, pied
Nice, and thanks for letting me know!
Got it, thanks!
Thanks for bringing this up, my assumption had been it was just lineage and luck of the draw. Good information to have
I believe fire and leopard are two that tend to produce lower pattern pieds as well.
Pinstripe produces lower white as well.
I feel like albino also tends to produce lower white at least the ones I have produced.
Anyone have experience with blade pieds? I had a blade like het pied (she wasn’t from a know blade line) throw some really low whites.
Casual reminder that the BEL stuff could also cause eye issues though. If I recall possibly even with single genes.
I haven’t seen enough blade pieds to really know, but since clowns throwing surprise blades from time to time maybe we’ll seem more as more clown pieds are produced. At least it feels like a lot of clowns are carrying low expression blade that’s been throwing some higher expression offspring. I don’t personally work with clown so it’s just what I’ve seen around.