Difference between a pro and a hobbyist

Nah I’ll leave, or kick me out. All the same to me. Take care

You can keep flagging me but I just want to know how to delete this app. Or is that a flaggable response

I don’t know why you are being cross with me it’s my job as a moderator to enforce the TOS. Your going on about pros not doing there job but being like this to me for doing mine. All I did was edit profane language I left the rest of your post untouched. I haven’t attacked you or called you names just offered an opposing view point. And I myself have used no profanity.


I’m beginning to see why breeders may take their time in responding to you @ryan79, if your behavior in this thread is any indication of your own level of professionalism.


Ive never much cared for what people have thought of me. I do what needs to be done. I treat my animals, which includes my rats with the utmost care. I treat every animal in my collection whether snake or rat with the utmost care. I love my rats almost as much as I love my snakes. There isn’t a single need from my rodents that isn’t cared for. For my professionalism I don’t care. As I stated this isn’t my profession, in which my problem stems from. This is my hobby, in which I take great care of and am proud of. I have indoctrinated my daughter in this hobby. And I take great pride in how I have taught her to respect the life she is dealing with, rather that be reptile or rodent. My issue is not with that, that I have taught for 17 years. If my professionalism is in question, if it were that would be a personal matter. My question is how the hobby is today and how we leave it to another generation. That i am open to be questioned on. As for me I have done my part to the best of my ability

Ive been edited so much here. Ive used more adult language around my daughter. She has been to shows around the country. I have done my job, whats yours again? Oh yea, to make sure people don’t say profanities on MM

I’m a master sheet metal fabricator and before that I was in the United States Navy. What is the point here just don’t use curse words. You did agree to the TOS nobody forced you.


Now we are getting real. Doesn’t that feel good?

What??? Lol you totally lost me all I asked the whole time was for everyone to follow the rules. Terms and conditions as a business owner I’m sure you know how that works.


All people want is for you to be real. There is enough fake ass plastic BP breeders. They don’t care about you. Let’s be real

I’m under no delusions that any of them care about me. But when I agreed to be a moderator I agreed to enforce the TOS which I am trying to do. Also this country is filled with enough stereotypes not trying to add fake plastic “pro” breeder to them. I judge each individual breeder by there actions and my dealings with them.


Thats actually fair, I can agree with that