Difference in Anerys

It has been proven that rdr bea and carbon are the same. They’ve been paired to produce visual rdr/carbon offspring. Kenny couldn’t call them rdr because they didn’t come from ralph davis reptiles. Kenny’s is a refined version of the cheaper rdr stuff you’ll see on MorphMarket . There are those working with rdr who’ve been increasing the quality. Carbon hets and possible hets also have a unique coloring to them that some have suggest could be a polygentic trait passed from his specific line.


Check. So it’s a line, not a morph.


More or less yes. It’s bea but not from rdr.


first, where did you get the origin of the project from? Jeff? ill wait

If we can be polite on here that would be great.
All your comments are quite argumentative.


It’s been shared in detail for years. why would anyone say otherwise? The complete history is pinned to the top of the boaffliction FB page. It’s also detailed on the website, boa rack radio podcast and YouTube. What silence?

Im just going to note that the Carbon project is on Kennys store page… clicking that will take you to the Morphpedia

Which if any information is incorrect, @boaffliction please provided corrections here:



that I got the project from Jeff Ronne. False. The origin has been detailed from the beginning, both on the website, and social media.

$10k per animal? That’s false.

Shouldn’t there be some credibility here if MM wants to avoid becoming another FB

Credibility can be established by communication correct? Were all here to learn and if theres corrections to be made im sure staff would oblige. This place is and always will be far from facebook.


That is what these open discussions are about. Its rare we actually get the founder of a trait like yourself to discuss the history, which is one of the reasons we now require new traits to come through the forum, to create these discussions.

Here is your chance to squash any rumors or misinformation you have read/heard, and paint the Carbon project how you want others to see it.

The History of the Morphpedia is pulled straight from your site

But if there is anything that needs editing or adding let us know and we can make those changes.

Also, please show off any new pictures.


someone sent me a screenshot of this post and I addressed it. Now, anyone who wants to know anything about the project, knows where to find it. That was the purpose of my response.
Boaffliction @ FB, IG, YT

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Hanging out in the forums like I do to meet great people, learn and discover new morphs and different snakes and for that you dont want me or anyone here to be apart of “your projects”? What a terrible buisness strategy and rude thing to say. You have no idea how many people including myself that will never touch anything related to your buisness and I always enjoyed/impressed looking at your boas. All anyone has ever done was try to learn and compliment your boas and morphs and you label them as there spreading misinformation. Maybe it’s you who should stick to facebook and not a forum like MorphMarket .


The entire thing isnt going ever going to come to the same terms by a facebook post or a forum post. Express your thoughts and move on and dont be a cocky doodie about the whole thing unless you have something informative to say politely.

Many morphs have different orgins but are technically work as one morph genetically. Look at ball pythons, we have 16 versions of every morph, and 16 of them were wild caught; Not related to the other ones and people will explain that. We have 50 different pastel lines yet we dont lose our minds over Jeff Ronne coining the term first(for boas)

Its not something boa keepers are used too and theres merrit to each difference in origin and its never going to become “the same morph” for that reason.

Lets all stop losing sleep over it and lets let bygones be bygone :joy: Misinformation isnt information if its not true. People who care about the project understand the underlying reasons.


Doesn’t it say that img came from anery being a descendant of anery