Dilo no fear of the kitten tho i was monitoring ready to pounce

Dilo my bigger of the 2 juve frilled dragons has no fear i just tested him out with the kitten but sitting right by ready to put my hand in but he doesnt even frill up just stood like a we tank kitten jumped away if anything lol, not something i would do often as to not stress them but just wanted to see if he would threaten it because it watches the kitten running about from the tank doesnt hide away or anything, it just keeps growing and growing loadsa confidence, the younger 1 puff i think i was lied to about age it eats like a beast everyday also i just dont see it growing as much because dilo has quadrupled in size now i think i was told it was 5-6months and puff the younger 1 was 2-3 months but i dunno how there could be such a big size difference i feed them the same, they both get on great tho so theres no problems there which is good im wondering if the smaller 1 could be female and just gonna grow slower, puff the small 1 is opening its frill a lot but its been from i moved heat bulb higher up tank and it does it on a specific branch open mouthed so i think its just a temperature sweet spot for it


Those pictures are awesome! I love the first two with the kitty cat Dilo!:heart::pray: