I have a terrarium I have been decorating for my juvenile gargoyle girl, Hex. I am finished and am here to ask for some critiques. Please be gentle, but honest. This was my first attempt at a DIY and it’s rough. Moss is a hard medium to work with, lol.
Originally, I had wanted all of the walls lined with moss so she could climb (gargoyles can’t climb glass), but I didn’t want to ruin the glass by glueing or taping… And I had a lot of styrofoam tubing for some reason. Anywho… Suggestions? Comments?
Looking head on, we couldn’t see her. She blends so well.
Just to comment on your not wanting to ruin the glass, I’ve already used expanding foam. It’s a bit of work, as you’ve got to scrape off the smooth surface before you can glue to it, but if you ever want to remove it you just need a razor blade and it comes clean off.
Oh, okay, good to know, thank you!
What light are you using inside the hide? I’d like to steal that
Just a blue LED. The cave is Zilla Spring Cave. It has running water that trickles from the leaves in it. The bottom of it is a reservoir, middle section has a pump. Sadly, the light and pump are connected, so both are either on or off. I’ll post some up close pictures for you.
Here are the close ups, I’m sorry it took so long.
Suction cups work great, you can easily find some plants you can suction cup to the glass to cover some glass and add climbing space. Works great for me, might also help add a different look to it.
I’m new to reptiles myself, but I think it looks great.
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