Does RodentPro breed their own or import from China?

I have debated raising my own feeders for all the reasons most people decide to go that route. I’ve always opted to buy frozen in bulk, even as the feeder bill has naturally grown substantially along with the growth in my collection. The information in this thread has certainly opened my eyes to an issue of which I was completely oblivious. I am very unhappy about what, in effect, is deceptive business practice. I’ll still be buying my feeders rather than raising them myself. I’ll be asking a lot more questions about sourcing when I do.

The deciding factor for me is the amount of work and time which goes into caring for a feeder colony. Everybody has a limited about of time and energy, of course. I’ve got health issues which have added more limitations to both than I used to have. I’d rather spend my available time and energy caring for, handling, and enjoying my snakes. They bring me so much joy.


I’d never do it myself, but you hear stories of people who decide to do it, and they end up really enjoying it. It becomes another hobby.


If I did it I would end up being overrun by cute little mice and yes cute little rats that I could never feed to any snake……:joy:


I can see that happening. :laughing: I always enjoyed my pet mice as a kid, then with my kids. Kept classroom pet mice, too. And gerbils. And an occasional psycho hamster. But I don’t need another hobby! Lol

I can see that happening. :laughing: The pet mice were always just that. I didn’t feed pets to pets, and one I get to know them, well, they’re pets.

So yes, I will keep purchasing my feeders in bulk.


Yeah, this would be my problem. It still sometimes gives me a sad when I get a frozen rat that resembles one of the pet rats I used to have. If I tried to breed mice and/or rats, they would instantly just become pets and I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to feed any of them off.

I have a hard enough time pre-killing crickets for one of my tarantula slings. I’m definitely not cut out for raising my own feeder rodents. :joy:


That’s funny because I tried pulling off the legs of some crickets once to feed spiderlings but after pulling off a few I couldn’t do it anymore. :joy:


We’re doomed! :weary::weary::weary::weary::weary:


Yeah, I had a hard time with that too. I always feel super bad if I don’t get a “clean kill” on the first squish. Sometimes the little buggers move at exactly the wrong time and it takes two or three tries. :weary:

Logically I know it’s not really any less humane than throwing a live cricket to a hungry spider, but it still feels kinda icky. I guess I just prefer to let the spider do the dirty work. :joy:


Bingo dear girl!