What’s your dream herping destination and a list of at most 5 herps you’d want to find there? For me, it’s alice springs, and for herps, it would be perentie, centralian knob tail, centralian python, woma python and mulga snake.
I would love to go to the New Caledonian Islands and look for all the species of geckos in their natural habitat. As a more realistic option, I would love to go to the southeastern US to find some wild corn snakes.
Probobally Australia (crocodiles, and venomous snakes), Galapagos islands (tortoises and iguanas), or Indonesia (reticulated pythons and komodo dragons).
probaly the florida everglades, Try to find some burms and gators
I’m lucky to have gotten a few bucket list items done already. I got to see wild tuatara in New Zealand (and got to hold a 23 year old female at the Tuatarium in Invercargill), but I missed seeing the wild geckos, especially Naultinus. They’re tough to find though. I think I’d do more herping if I ever went back to NZ. Otherwise, my next destination is Australia.
South Africa for dendroaspis naja and bitis and Nile crocs
Columbia for Orinoco Crocs and others
Suriname for aquatic coral snakes
India for some trimersurs