This is my first dreamsicle clutch!
This was a long time coming. I got two females about 6 years ago that are het pied, 50% possible het lavender.
Two years ago I bought a proven male lavender, 100% het pied.
He does not know what he is doing!
After two season, he finally bred one female.
But the odds paid off!
Out of five eggs, I got 1.1 lavenders, 66% poss het pied, 2.0 pieds, 100% het lavender, and 0.1 dreamsicle!!
I have searched MM and some other sites and cannot get a good read for what the lavenders and pieds should sale for, and my PMs are blowing up with inquiries! Any help with pricing would be greatly appreciated!
Also, here are the awesome babies!
I can’t tell you how excited I was to see this clutch hatch!
Chris congrats on hitting the odds after patiently waiting so long.
Great clutch! After 6 years you deserved them!
As for pricing, you need to search " sold" listings on Morphmarket. That will give you a decent idea. Please note, no sales in the forum here though.
Congrats that is a great one to hit, been trying for a while myself
Thank you!
Yeah, I won’t be posting them here, just looking for prices.
I didn’t know you could search sold items on MM! I’ll do that!
I talked to Justin Kobylka and got an idea, though