Eastern Indigos Paired and Locked!

Our handsome Blackjack the Eastern Indigo is currently paired up and locked with his lovely mate, Roulette. Breeding Eastern Indigos is a yearlong endeavor, but it is such a rewarding experience for those that deeply admire these amazing snakes!

As a new member of the MorphMarket Community support team, I’d also like to share that I am currently working on a comprehensive care guide on Eastern Indigos for Reptiles Magazine that I will be publishing here, as well. Be on the lookout if you’re interested in learning more about these beauties!


That is awesome. Best of luck with the pairing.


Thank you! :purple_heart:

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Best of luck of the pairing! I can wait to read the guide! And welcome to the team!


As this along with the FWC is a large colubrid I would wanna own some day and I have big interest in the Indigo/Cribo genus Drymarchon I too look forward to reading the detailed guide you plan to write.


Good luck. we need more of these captive breed

How was with breeding? I would like to buy one but there arent in Europe. Since i’ve Seen at first time i Wish one. They are awesome :heart_eyes: