What is the best incubator I can buy for my ball python eggs when I start breeding?
I really like my Hotbox incubator. many breeders prefer to do the DIY kind also.
If you can make one, go that route. I’ve been using a Nature’s Spirit incubator for 6-7 seasons now without issue. But when I outgrow this incubator, I will be building my own.
I built my own by repurposing a coke drink cooler with the glass door and adding heat and a fan and LEDs it saved quiet a bit of money and works great. But I really like the hotbox pvc incubator if I were to buy one that was built thats what I’m going with
How many clutches are you planning? I use a Nature’s Spirit incubator as well and love it. I can easily fit about 12 shoe box sized or 6 slightly larger sized tubs in there.
What kind of tubs are those in the bottom incubator? Looks like they would seal good and maybe not have to use press and seal
They are 12qt sterilite gasketbox. I put 6 holes in the box with soldering iron. I love using these boxes, they sometimes can be hard to find. I bought everyone I can find at my local stores lol.
Yea it’s hard to find good tubs these days lol I would probably have to order some I haven’t seen any like that in stock in stores around me in a good bit
I haven’t tried this but their are some tubs with locking lids that have a gap that a person might be able to add foam to but not 100% sure.
You you don’t want to built it yourself I highly recommended CSerpents Hotbox Incubators.
We love our C Serpents. A little pricey, but worth the money. Customer service is top notch as well. Incubators – C Serpents Rack Systems & Hot Box Incubators
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