Elaphe dione

This template contains both “gene addition” and “gene review” forms, please delete the one which is not applicable to your request

Gene Request Form

Please fill the below form out to the best of your ability. Answers do not need to be lengthy. If appropriate you may forward this request to someone who is more able to supply the answers.


Name of Gene:
First produced by whom:
Year First Produced:
Genetics Type (Incdom/Codom/Recessive/Polygenic/etc):
In complex with other genes?:
Other names/aliases for it?:

Appearance; What it does/looks like?

  • Head:
  • Body:
  • Belly:
  • Tail:

Proven Lines:
Related Genes:

Proven: To what degree it is proven out to not just be polygenic?
Unique: Why do you believe this is a new morph and not an existing one?

Problems: Any problems?
History: The history behind its discovery?
Disagreement or Controversy:
References here on the community:

  • At least one link to community discussion (ie forums) to demonstrate community acceptance
  • Link to WOBP if one exists.
  • Links to the wider web.
    Please attach at least 3 photos you have rights to which you are granting to be used on MorphMarket, Including 1 image next to a Normal/WT animal

Genetic Review Form.

Please fill the below form out to the best of your ability. Answers do not need to be lengthy. If appropriate you may forward this request to someone who is more able to supply the answers.

Current information
Name of Gene:

Genetics Type (Incdom/Codom/Recessive/Polygenic/etc):
In complex with other genes?:
Other names/aliases for it?:
Related Genes:
Problems: Any problems?

New information

Name of Gene:

Genetics Type (Incdom/Codom/Recessive/Polygenic/etc):
In complex with other genes?:
Other names/aliases for it?:
Related Genes:
Problems: Any problems?
Other History: Any additional history?
Disagreement or Controversy:
References here on the community:

Other(if something not listed above, please use this section to explain what and why you would like changed):

I would like Elaphe dione added to the list of species under the Rat Snakes category.