I have a corn snake that for several years I’ve been keeping in a 25 gallon tank, that she is now outgrown. I’m looking for a new tank, but in my research I’ve come across a lot of conflicting information. If people have any suggestions for the dimensions and/or a brand’s tank, it would be greatly appreciated.
Exoterra large low or a 40 gal breeder is what most people go with size wise.
While most folks do go with a 40gal breeder as Don mentioned, I’d say if this is a pet and you want to splurge on something that’s going to give the animal more space, a 4x2x2 PVC enclosure is a better option. You can order these from places like Dubia.com, Animal Plastics, Kages, Custom Reptile Habitats, etc. That said, it is usually something you’ll have to order if you don’t have a PVC enclosure retailer nearby. Some reptile stores will stock them, so I’d check your local if you have one. In my opinion as someone who has multiple glass tanks, they’re heavy and an overall pain to deal with. PVC is better for holding temps & humidity, and a corn snake, if given proper enrichment & decor (branches, vines, ledges), will use the extra vertical space. Ultimately there is no “right” answer here, it’s more of your budget, space constraints, and what you want for your animal in the long run.
This was very informative, thank you both.