I see some knit picking to this, so im gonna state the obvious here, Im pretty sure they inteneded an significantly INCREASED risk. To think they meant any risk whatsoever is kind of tongue in cheek. Breeding any animal ever caries risk of genetic mutation (good or bad) this is obvious to the point of not really needing mention in my opinion, so when i read their post, i made the assumption they meant a significantly elevated risk of deformities such as can be found here:
On that front, I am in agreement that it goes against my personal ethics as well, just as i dont breed jag carpet pythons and despite absolutely loving the super form of the zebra gene, cant bring myself to ever get oe breed one because of the prevalent issues they are normally born with.
That being said, i recognize it as my own opinion, I do not try to regulate the hobby to disallow genes i dont approve of or attack people who breed them. Spider and champagne produce some awesome looking snakes for example even if i wont buy them, and then I also need to look at the fact i have and am attempting to breed scaleless that have not been able to thrive yet. My intentions of trying to get their husbandry right so they can be kept safely and reliably doesnt forgive the fact that many before me have tried and failed, and not having at least belly scoots is a genetic harm to the animal.
So while i definitely disagree with the knowns, it would be wrong of me not to see my own hypocrisy in the matter, despite my intentions. Whether i figure out proper care i can pass on to the community or not doesnt take away the fact scaleless ball pythons are a special needs morph.
Everyone has different values and different wants and needs. Very few i imagine breed anything with negative intent. Where i get really upset is when people breed spider to spider so that they only half to home 25% normals instead of 50% due to 25% being the super form and dieing. Ive never seen that to be the case on here, but facebook has either some very uninformed people, or very uncaring people. Acceptable risk is one thing, but knowingly dooming 25% of a clutch just to save a little scratch is crazy in my mind.
Either way the TLDR; its not for me, but to each their own.