Just quick question to those who are selling. Have you seen an uptick with scam inquiries?
We are asking because in the last couple of months we have had a lot of them.
All the users inquiring are level 1 and when you look at their profile, that person will have at that moment in time 1 or two inquiries on their profile but if you look in a day or two that count will jump to 10 + and 0 purchases.
90 % of the times the inquiries tend to be for the same one or two snakes.
Our store front is for my 13-year-old daughter who is a small hobbyist breeder she loves keeping and breeding her snakes, she’s been try her best to sell on MM but it’s been hard on her with all the odd scamish feeling inquiries.
She gets super excited when she sees she has an inquiry for one of her baby snakes but then she gets a big letdown when it looks like the inquiry is fake.
I am now starting to wonder if MM verification process for buyers is not thorough enough. Maybe they should implement some kind of payment verification check or some kind of process similar to how they do for creating a Morphmarket Sellers site \ account.
MorphMarket is the only place where I haven’t had a scammer try to hit me up. But it’s something to be aware of regardless.
Out of curiosity, you said it’s the same one or two animals of yours? Have they said anything suspicious or concerning?
There can be a number of new hobbyists who just don’t understand how to really approach a seller. I have had a few who are shocked at shipping prices pop up. Even when listed in the ads. Unfortunately that can just come with the territory.
Sometimes I’ll have a couple different inquiries going if I’m really interested in purchasing a particular morph. But it’s not something I really keep track of.
If you ever DO have someone asking for personal private info like bank stuff for transfers or phone codes, I would report them to MorphMarket immediately.
So when I looked at your store the about says
“Teenage hobbyist, who loves her snakes and sharing and spreading the love of her hobby.”
At least to me, I would not have anything about her being a teenager. Many people may come across that as and try to take advantage as many see younger people as ignorant. That means that if someone comes across it, it may be spread around, probably why it is usually focused on only one or two snakes as that is the link being shared. That is just a theory but I would try to change “Teenage hobbyists” to something like “Just a hobbyist” or something like that.
Other than that, good luck and your daughter is very lucky. I am 14 and my parents get mad when I even mention getting another reptile
Much like @armiyana I am wondering what was said that makes you think the inquiries are fake/scams? An example or two (no screenshots, no identifying info, just a general idea of what was said) might help.
Any time you run a storefront, you’re always going to have tire kickers. I’ve had a couple of inquiries where someone will ask a question or two and then just disappear. Totally normal, not every inquiry is going to lead to a sale, which is something your daughter will have to learn to accept. Same thing with identifying red flags that may indicate the buyer isn’t on the up and up. The only message I’ve ever gotten on MM that gave me pause was one that asked if I’d export to a country that is under U.S. sanctions, and that was obviously an easy, “No, sorry, I don’t export.” You also have the ability to decline any inquiry on the messenger page.
As @logar mentioned, it could be the way you present your store. Mentioning she is teenage is a very good way to have people think there may be someone young and naive to be taken advantage of. Obviously MorphMarket’s TOS requires all sellers to be 18+, and it seems like you’re overseeing the business as well, but to someone looking for a mark, that’s not immediately obvious.
I’m sorry that you and your daughter are having frustrations like this. I can’t say I’ve ever had anyone who seems to be a scammer approach me here. Other venues, yeah, but not MorphMarket. Do I sometimes get inquiries from people who seem serious, ask decent questions including a shipping quote, request an invoice - then disappear? Yup. That’s an unfortunate part of the selling experience. It’s disappointment and frustrating for anyone.
I don’t consider these people scammers though. I don’t know what their deal is, but they aren’t trying to get anything out of me, and all they cost me is time and effort. Is what you are experiencing different? How are you defining these contacts as scammers or fake? If they’re trying to get any personal info, funds, or animals, please report them to MorphMarket right away. Such things are taken very seriously.