I’m logged in… yet when I click on someone’s link on Facebook it tells me to log in again. Every time. This is a Facebook to MM problem so I’ll start with that. I have 0 issues finding these profiles if I go through my saved link.
What is a work around? I literally only want to see the profile logged in or not. Other people can see the posts but I wonder if they create their MM profile directly though Facebook.
But after two seconds it refreshes and kicks me off the post, and then it refreshes again telling me to log in. Keep in mind this is only happening when I do an online social media browser vs my phones saved browser which is already logged on. All the time I’m still on the same phone except I’m going through Facebook instead of my saved link.
I guess my problem with it is; If I didn’t have a MM account at all, I’d get frustrated and definitely not create a profile because my attention span is 2 seconds long and not willing to create a profile to see some link off facebook. Imagine what all the potential new members are thinking? They can’t even access it to see if it is something worth their time.
Yea… I could just log in again… but why? I should be able to see profiles with out being logged in. I should be able to see this regardless if I’m even a member, this guy asked if his post was okay and I couldn’t even look at it without logging in. I’m just annoyed because I’m already logged in! I can go to my saved link and see his profile perfectly but it takes 3 more steps.
Edit; spell checking and adding a few missing sentences
Edit#130; My auto correct kills me worse than my orginal spelling