I’ve started looking at getting a fat-tailed gecko. I’m just looking right now and I may or may not end up getting them. If I do get them they would be housed in the same rack as leopard geckos, at ~87*. I know that they need to be kept at about 90* so I would only do this if the top tubs were hotter. They would be kept in a 28 qt tub (23x16x6"). Most of what I read says that females can be kept together and the male can be added for breeding. Is this outdated information or are fat-tailed geckos tolerant of cohabitation? If they were housed together could 3-4 females be housed together or only 2-3? I was planning on housing them separate but if they do better together then I won’t. Also, they require higher humidity so what is the best substrate for them? I’m assuming that paper towels are best for them but most of what I read recommends loose substrate (usually peat moss and vermiculite or orchid bark).
They don’t require high humidity, more moderate around 50/60. But I keep the side with the moist hides misted and they’re fine.
Also you can keep females together fine too.
I have mine in a bio viv so can’t comment on racking situations really!
I have to confess that I keep my wee BeBe (that’s my AFT’s name) in the same stacking cages as my leos. She seems to be doing very well!
The main change I made was to get her one of the more expensive humid hides that is entirely made from clay/unglazed ceramic/something along those lines, as opposed to just having a dish at the top like that and the rest being plastic. They have deeper water wells and I feel like they provide higher humidity.
BeBe was a slow-grower/runt, and I think she’s smaller than most AFTs, which are smaller than leos in general. It’s tough for me to say because I only own one. But, for her, being so tiny, a ‘Medium’ works well. A larger AFT or a normal-sized leo requires a size ‘Large.’ I think the brand is OMEM. I’ll go take a quick pic in a minute.
@ghoulishcresties @mblaney Thank you! If I end up with tubs hot enough I’ll likely get one (or two or three ). If I do I’ll use paper towel substrate and experiment with different humid hides.
I’d love to work with amel tangerines and I know a breeder working with them. Is it possible to include other morphs with amel or are they lethal or usually lethal?
If I end up getting them I’ll likely also pair a zulu het oreo to an oreo het zulu with one of them having whiteout. That should produce a huge variety, all of which look amazing. Are there any problems with oreo, zulu and whiteout combined?
No they’re fine combined
I’m actually aiming for whiteout amel Oreo and possibly Zulu in there too
Now I want one …
Do it!
Been the best years with my guys
They’re lush, Grandpa especially is always out for a snuggle
No- BeBe is a Whiteout Oreo Zulu, if I remember correctly.
I’m definitely going to get fat-tails. If the top tubs aren’t hotter then I’ll put them on a different thermostat. Thank you all for your help!
That is one way to fix it!