Hey guys, what’s your favorite gene to pair with Fire? I have a male Super Fire and I’d like ideas as to what to pair him to
Since you have a super fire which is a (bel). Consider pairing it with a pastel, clown, ghost, bamboo, or lesser
Vanilla pairs well with fire too can make vanilla creams.
Ohhhhhh love that ghost!!
My goodness Martin you have one hell of a collection and already have some things I am trying to get…first it was the pumpkin pied post and now the hypo!!! Two of my favorites
If you notice in my pic I had a clutch and I let my2 year old pick one and she picked a Pastel Enchi Ghost which wasnt the best per say out of the clutch but the way them 2 bonded was insane…hypos seem to just have that calm demener which makes em perfect ambassadors to introduce people who are scared of these amazing animals…I’m dead ass when I say it seems like they have conversations…
To be fair: my Ghost project is tiny!!! All in… i don’t have more than 5 or 6 breeder animals.
The Super Phantom Ghost was what started it for me. It took me 4-5 years to make one, but I knew it was worth the wait and time. Especially since not many people are willing to invest the time these days.
With Ghosts: I have no doubt that I’ll be keeping it a “side project”, but: there are also certain things I still want to do with it.
Yeah I just started with ghost and I’m extremly happy with how they age and its super underrated
Here is my first fire gene carrier. She should add nicely if I can figure out which male to use with her. Fire/pastel/cinnamon/spider/calico
Spider, Calico, Pastel, and Enchi work well with fire in my opinion
I think that Fire and Yellow Belly look good together. Fire is one of those genes that goes well with pretty much everything though.
I am in agreement with Ghost and perhaps another enhancing gene like YB or OD. Here is a Fire Ghost Het Pied that I produced. He is 700 grams and hasn’t begun to fade at all.
I have a firefly and I am having trouble deciding which co dominate gene to play with I’d like some opinion on what could look best with the firefly pairing
I am a fan of YB Mojaves but now seeing it with fire…
I thought it couldn’t be better, but the fire adds so much to an already amazing combo. It lightens up so much.
Yes, I couldn’t believe it either when he hatched. So beautiful. He should be ready to breed this winter. I’m looking to pair him to his Fire mom which will tell me if Puzzle is in there cause mom is possibly het puzzle. Should be fun!
You also will get black eyed Lucys from that paring, hopefully that will not make it harder to ID.
Puzzle Fire YB Mojave…that sounds like a nice BP right there.