Feeder size for 5 month female BP (210g)

Can someone suggest a proper rats size for my female BP, 5 months old and 210grams, her recent pic attached. I’ve done tons of research and most popular one is 10-15% until they reach 500grams/1 year. So I feed her rats pup (~25g) every week. Is she at a proper weight at her age? I know someone has a 400gram+ 5 month old BP…

But I’ve seen some YouTuber/Breeders feed their hatchlings pup size and wean size for something over 200grams (video I saw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFsEwEeI1Gk). Almost 30% of snake’s body weight, is that something I should follow? If not, what should I do? Am I underfeeding her

I just keep her as a pet, and for sure dont wanna any powerfeeding, but I do wanna follow a appropriate size meal, and wanna a stable growth rate.


I think the size you’re feeding sounds fine.
The reason that 10/15% is tossed around is because it’s much easier to weigh the snake and the prey and get a number vs eyeballing the size of the prey next to the snake or even just going by name like pup, weanling and small. Not everyone sees the same age/size for the names

Now every snake is an individual and some do better on shorter or longer feeding schedules. The most important part of it is the look of your animal. BPs have been kept obese for a long time by keepers. So a lot of what some people see as adequate is actually overweight for many. (Especially males).
I have one baby who is voracious and eating a smaller than recommended meal every 4-5 days ATM. She’s definitely one of my oddest ones at the moment. Not fat, just feisty when kept on a 7-10day feed. Most of my other young snakes eat the 10-15% every 7-10 days no problem.

If you can post pictures of your baby, we can maybe judge based on the body condition. But BPs can be many different sizes. I had 2 siblings where one weighed in at 500g and the other at 150. Just different growth rates.


Thanks for sharing these!
Yep I just attached her recent photo I took yesterday

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I wouldn’t worry about her at all. If anything you can stretch it a bit to the 10 days if you feel comfortable and are worried she’s getting too round.
She may hit a growth spurt soon and get that lanky look back soon too. I feel like 7-9 months is usually around when that happens for some.


No, do not follow this. You are on the correct path of doing 10 - 15% of her body weight. At 5 months old and 210 grams I think you’re doing great! I personally feed everyone that’s under 300 grams every 5 days, and then once they hit 300 grams they are moved to every 7 days. I still follow the 10 - 15% of their body weight rule.


Thank you so much!! That’s a big relief.

The picture you posted look good. Keep doing what you are for now. Once it starts refusing or skipping meals, then move to every other week feedings. Thevother advice you received is all good. You are definitely on the right track.