Field-Collected Kenyan Sand Boas

I’ve recently been pretty interested in bolstering my breeding stock of sand boas (which are already fairly outcrossed, just want to make sure it stays that way). Personally, I can’t recall ever seeing wild-caught/field-collected specimens of this species for sale anywhere online. After specifically looking for some, I’m still empty handed. Does anyone know if the species is still being imported into the US from the wild? If so, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

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I think they are produced so easily in captivity that there is not much impetus for the importers to need to bring them in.

You could try contacting any of the major known importers and ask if they ever import them.


That is a good question. The last time I saw new imports available was when I picked up an import Male around 2002/03. If you have success finding them I’d be interested to know what you learn as well.