Fingers crossed i have another gravid female 🤞

My female Buthacus Leptochelys Nitzani ( Egyptian green scorpion ) is looking very thicc and staying near the heat and refusing food ( typical signs she may be gravid ).

This species is really neat, small fast and fiesty. As far as venom is concerned its unknown to any certainty. Some say not so potent others say yes.

This species is pretty rare in collections and CB are even more so. Im hoping she is gravid and gives me some CB babies. There doesn’t seem to be much info on this species about gestation, life span etc. Some people have said this species is very difficult to have viable offspring, siting stuck in molt issues with scorplings. Since they obviously exist in the wild and i have an adult female they clearly molt. Its probably just captive environment isn’t right conditions. Im really hoping babies come out of this. :pray: i don’t know the demand of this species but being rare in collections may make them valuable.

Getting 2 broods this season would be nice after the tragedy that befell my Androctonus Amoreuxi brood, sadly they were too young to be saved and i lost them all. I will hunt down a male so i can try again in the future. This is another species not often seen especially CB.


She looks so… rotund :joy:

Crossing my fingers for you too! I’m not a big invertebrate person myself but it’s neat seeing them.


That’s what i love about life, so much variety. I like the animal keeper society, while we may not have the same tastes, we can still agree animals are amazing and add so much to our lives.


There’s always something for everyone in this hobby!

I’d honestly keep praying mantises if I were to keep any inverts, they’re pretty interesting to me


I’ve kept mantises! SO COOL. Feeding them house flies and watching them hunt gave me an even deeper respect for the species. Right now we have stick bugs! They are quite adorable. Like stiff, skinny caterpillars with legs. All they do is go nom nom nom nom and then they sleep with their two front legs sticking out in front of them so they look more stick like. Nature is amazing!


I hope you get babies from this female, healthy ones. That will be quite exciting for the hobby and since they’re rare you can add valuable data to what is known.

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She’s so chonky! I hope she gives you lots of healthy babies…and that she doesn’t eat them. :crossed_fingers:


Me too! This species is rare in collections and capative born is even more so. Im hoping i have enough babies that thrive so that i can help in the furthering of the species through captive breeding program.


How is your girl looking now, Renee?

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She is well tucked away in her rock crevice by the heater i don’t wish to disturb her because of stress to her.


Of course not, you’re a conscientious keeper. It’s that a behavioral change for this girl, possibly indicative of being gravid, or just her usual?

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All scorpions hide but there are certain indicators that may signal a female being gravid. They will start to look plump, the sides of the mesasoma(body) will start to look white with a clearish surface, she will typically refuse food, she will kill them but not eat and she will place her belly on a heat source and stay there. She is hard to see because she dug her burrow under the rock formation i made and placed near the heat. There isn’t much data about gestational period but i believe its close to a year.

The only way i can see my scorpions in their hides is using my black light but they really hate that light. Im sure it causes them stress and possibly pain as that type of light can harm them ( if prolonged ).