Finished Bioactive for my Peter's Banded Skinks

Videos of when i put him in there is in the comments



Finished up the Bioactive for little Bazzi my peter’s banded skink. Wanting to try and get them captive bred in the future, i actually have 2 females but they are in another room and being treated for parasites atm since ya know, wildcaughts


Super cool! Arid bioactive? It’s trickier, I hear, to do that. I’d love to hear updates on how you keep it going and what works or doesn’t, I think it’d be neat.
Are you planning on breeding them? That’s just awesome.


I love his little face! And @athleticshoelace I too would like updates on the bio project. I couldn’t make it work for me.

Best of luck on your breeding plans! :frog::lizard::snake::blush:


yup! i honestly think a big reason they havent been cbb before has just been because the massive amount of misinformation out on these guys as well as people kinda just give them a sandfish skink enclosure and call it a day. its kind of funny tho, the 2 ladies I have (Bratwurst and Sauerkraut) are a good bit bigger than him lol, i was always told that its near impossible to tell without popping but they have some clear differences in size and head shape.
Will also try and post updates, rn im in the process of trying to get some arid springtails and isopods.
i actually had an arid bioactive setup before and it went great until the beardy tore the plants up and killed all the bugs cause she is a hunting machine ;(


lol! As a matter of fact, I seemed to have trouble keeping the bugs alive and populating! By the way, your little buddy’s eyes look like a tiny alien! I l love it! :frog::snake::lizard::blush:


from what iv heard when asking around, generally the first batch you throw in there doesnt do too hot but their offspring generally thrive


Hmmmmm. I didn’t know that. I still think it’s too complicated for me to do it right. Lol!

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I am incredibly jealous, I want a (or maybe a few) Peter’s banded skink(s) SO badly! I’m just not in a position to nurse a wild-caught animal back to health. Gotta accomplish a few other things in my reptile room first.

It’s not totally clear to me what their size requirements are, so I’m not totally sure what kind of enclosure I’ll eventually get.

With the isopods, the species you select will play a huge role in whether they are able to get established. Certain species do ok with arid environments. All isopods definitely require a ‘hydration station’ where it is humid, they require it to breathe. Predation also plays a role, so size would be a good thing to think about when selecting a species as well. I’ve also seen other types of clean-up-crew invertebrates used for arid enclosures, such as small beetles/larvae. And there are springtail species that are more tolerant of arid conditions too.


i feel that first part, the 2 girls i have had are being medicated and since they are wc and SUPER shy species its very hard to work with but its doable, iv had this little guy since September and when i brought him for fecal and checkup he was actually perfectly fine other than missing some toes lol.
I personally think the worst part is just the fact that these guys are shy and stress out easy and hide their issues super super well. A local shop sold me one that never ate for me and passed, my 2 newest girls are chunky monkeys but still have their own issues.
Cage size iv heard generally 40 gallon is fine for a group (1 male-2 females is what seems to work for most) but im using a 120 just for my own pleasure since they like to hide and well, might as well make it a bug and plant paradise in there lol.
That all being said a 40 prob works just fine, these are super lazy laid back lizards that mainly only climb out to eat then go back in the substrate, think of a lazy sand boa lol


Bratwurst and Sauerkraut!! Ok I’m sorry, but no I’m not. Those names are so fantastic and funny they should be illegal.


All I can think of is YUM! :joy:


the vet tech laughed her ass off when i brought those 2 in for a checkup, esp cause Bratwurst is 30 grams overweight so her name fits :skull:


Im terrible with plant stuff but my boyfriend has a pbs Kinky, what all do you have in there? He really wants to do bioactive with his. Not sure if its a male or female but its actually above ground super frequently.

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i get almost all my plants from bio dude but i have Bromeliad Tillandsia, red earth star (green cause its out of season rn) spaghetti agave,Opuntia Cactus Snow White. I Wanted to throw a elephant feed in there cause it did real well with beardy’s cage before she ate it, but they were out so i am currently nursing a 2 dollar 1/2 dead one from lowes back to health lol