The season is off to a later start over on my farm this year, but I’m very excited for my first 2019 clutch of eggs! This is one of my double het tri-stripe pied females to my proven tri-stripe het pied male. She laid five eggs this morning and I couldn’t be more excited. Pics of the parents are below! I produced my first tri-stripes in 2015 and have been chasing a double visual tri-stripe pied ever since.
Thanks for reading, Peter Ruegner
Peter, I simply cannot wait to see what pops out of these. And welcome to the Morphmarket Reptile Community!
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Thanks! I will have several chances to hit the double… The pied het tri-stripe females will be breeding soon as well!
This is really exciting! Fingers crossed for you. Of all the genes not in my collection, tri-stripe is on the top of my list for future projects. Way to go seeing this recessive project through!
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Awesome project, hope you hit it this year Peter. Potential for a great year for Tristripe!
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Thanks. I’m praying that things line up…and they should… The pied het tri stripe females are close to breeding size!
Thanks! It’s been a long project but I know I’m closer than ever to getting the double! And the aiming for clown tri stripes, caramel albino tri-stripes, and pastel pied Tri stripes!
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I am pretty sure that I did in fact produce tri stripe pieds, but the result was not as great as I expected. They are low white pieds with striping. Will post some pics on here to get others opinions.