First breeding success! (Updates to come)


Congrats !! I bet it’ll be super exciting when they hatch haha

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Thank you! I’ll post pictures when they hatch! If you look at my other post you can see the parents, the Hypo Tangerine Carrot Tail and the other Hypo. Excited to see what offspring they’ll produce!

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Congrats! I can’t wait for the day I see my first clutch of eggs.


How is it going? Did they hatch out, if so can we see?!?!!

I mean 4 months they should have hatch right?are they like snakes (50-60 days)?

That is what I thought, I have been waiting for the updates but didn’t wait to prod

I wanna seeeeeee

Depending on the gecko it can take between 30 to 90 days for them to hatch. If we are talking leopard gecko, then between 40-60 days.

They did hatch! I have current pictures of the offspring

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The first picture was when they first hatched… the one of the two didn’t make it sadly… died a week or so after they hatched… the second picture is the most current I have

wow he/she is a beautiful baby

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Thank you; have some more incubating currently I hope I get to hatch them as well