First Clutch born July 3rd have all (4) shed with no problems

My very first clutch Pairing of GHI/Black Pastel to Champagne/lesser/Pastel
there where born july 3rd and since have shed, problem is i have offered them food and they don’t show signs of eben wanting to eat i leave the food there see if its because their scared or something and i take the food out and back again but nothing i tried leaving the pinkys over night and still dont eat im new at this and am worried because its aug 4 and they have not even tried to eat what can i do or is this normal and i shoudl let it be.
Thanks All


Congrats on the clutch!
It can be normal. My babies hatched out on the 10th and only 2 have eaten so far. Not everyone is ready to go at the same time. But that said… let’s troubleshoot a bit!

Leave them alone for a couple of days. The more you keep putting stuff in, the more they can stress out.
Are the babies separated?
What are they set up in?
How are the temps?


i has separated them, there in bins in a rack set up for 85.0, thanks for chiming it I just got a second clutch today and am worried. i’m doing something wrong would hate to loose the because of it.


Biggest things I’d ask: what size bins? do they have hides?

Also these days I don’t even bother with pinky rats anymore. I start all my hatchlings off with live fuzzy mice (that are still too young to be able to bite a ball python.) If I had access to ASFs I’d probably try ASF fuzzies too. The reason I choose fuzzies is I like ones I can leave all night without worrying they will attack the snake. After 1 or 2 live mice I switch to f/t mice and feed mice until they can easily take a large fuzzy rat and never had even one problem with a snake getting “stuck” on mice.

I’ve also found that snakes with hides take food way more readily than without, so I choose to give all my hatchlings the small size hides from Reptile Basics.


Hey @carrionn! Congratulations on your 2 clutches! You have great advice from @crypticoils-pythons! Fuzzy mice are great to start off with. Their eyes should be closed and are still small enough that they cannot harm your babies. And hides make the baby snake feel secure enough to eat….

Best of luck to you and continue with updates and we also love pictures! :star_struck:



This is the second clutch

Lesser/Enchi to Lesser/Enchi/Malum


Oh my goodness @carrionn those babies are beauties and so sweet! I am so glad you reached out to this family/forum because the people here can help you every step of the way to get them eating!

Congratulations again and please update us with their progress! :blush:


I will thank you very much looking forward to learning correctly.


Oh you will definitely learn correctly here! I am only a keeper but I learn something new just about every day! The people here will not steer you in the wrong direction that’s for sure!

Have a blessed evening! :blush:


Im going to order more hides for them, my rack are VE-6 bin size 11 Quarts you think it maybe to big ?


I think at that size the hides will help. I used to use the 6qt Sterilite shoeboxes, and trying out the FB-8s this year, which seem similar to yours. I’d try hides and live fuzzy mice in 5 days and I bet they’ll eat for you.


Ok people Finally we got 5 of the 8 to eat one of them had 2 it was very exciting to see them finally eat thanks for all the help will post up pics of them feeding next time around. Again thanks for jumping in and helping a green horn.


Hey @carrionn that is fabulous news to hear! Now is this 5 eating out of the first clutch right? :+1::blush::thinking:


3 out of the first ad 2 out of the 2nd


Ok so how many left to eat?


Onr from the first clutch and 2 from the second


Ok sorry I was just foggy a bit! Lol! You are doing great @carrionn! The last 3 will eat soon I am positive!

I’m glad you found us! We are here to help anyone any way we can!

Update with the last 3 progress! :pray::+1::clap::blush:


@carrionn , it’s a violation to post feeding pictures on MM. I just don’t want to see you get in trouble.
Gorgeous clutch by the way.


Hey Thank You very much.