First clutch ever produced by me

Got my first clutch of eggs ever. I honestly thought she was empty from the last time I palpated her. I started pairing her in like September last year! Finally got eggs in Feb. the pairing is a Mojave het Ghost x Pinstripe het Clown and a Leopard. I wonder who will sire the clutch. It’s definitely exciting seeing eggs for the first time.


Or maybe they both will :sweat_smile:

Congrats! What a good mummy cuddling them :relaxed:

Maternal incubation or are you incubating? :blush:


That would be fun.

Trust me, its always exciting every time, and a bit of a high. happy eggs day :+1: :slight_smile:


I’m using an incubator I built out of a wine cooler. I read about maternal incubation and it seems really difficult. I’m not ready for that stress when doing it the easier way stressed me out hah.

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Both would be nice. If only both sires sperm could mix in with one egg. That would be a miracle.

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Do you have other possible breeders this year?

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My other pairing right now is a Butter Spider Ghost x Banana GHI Mojave.

I have a Vanilla Pastel as well but she’s on a hunger strike. I want more weight on her before I pair her. She’s about 1200.

I’m also going to loan out the Banana GHI Mojave to a friend and we’re going to split that clutch. So I have a few more babies on the way this year.


If they all produce eggs at similar times will you have enough incubation space?
Ho big is your cooler.? Thats a worry for me


Oh really?
Everyone I’ve spoke to has said ‘do it once, it’s a great experience’.
I’ve decided I’d like to go that route when I breed mine, it’s fascinating watching mums keep their eggs safe and apparently the hatchlings also seem to be quite chill also and not as feisty with you as they see mum reacting with you :relaxed:

I’ve got a while to go yet though unless I find an adult I like, I’d want my girl 2500/3000 atleast incase she goes off food entirely… Which is common so will be fun!


I only fits 3 clutchs but if I get creative maybe 6 at most. I’ll have to try maternal incubation one day.

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3000 grams. That’s huge! Those eggs will be big!


I just want her to be a big healthy girl if incubating them herself.
If I have to wait 3 years so be it :joy:


Ohhhh. Your gonna do a maternal incubation with her. Then that makes sense.

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I just found out this is an option if there is not enough room in your incubator`

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Hmm possibly. Or convert an old PVC cage into an incubator. My plan was if I don’t get a hatchling rack before hatch date to use my old PVC enclosure with an overhead heater and put as many shoebox hatchlings tubs inside. I think that would be a good idea.